Year 2006
- The site was completely redesigned navigation wise, as the use of frames, previously necessary to hold the Java menu that controlled the site, became unnecessary. A complete reorganization and structure with little new material. A new and greatly improved Java menu was moved to the top to better facilitate navigation. The Forum / Library and the Photo Library were upgraded, and a new section, the russboClassifieds, and, a wiki, the russbopedia, were added.
- The site remained a lot of complexity because of the necessary JAVA menu. Considering the fact that many people did not have JAVA enabled browsers, a dual navigation system was employed, along with a sophisticated check system that actually explored each visitors browser, and decided whether to transfer the visitor to the JAVA enabled site, or direct he or she to a page whereby the visitor could install the JAVA engine. The visitor also had the choice to not install a JAVA engine in his/her browser, and was then directed to a different subsystem of HTML hyperlinks, which enabled the visitor to peruse the entire site without the benefit of the JAVA menu. Confused? A lot of people were. It was complicated, but necessary, due to the ever increasing complexity of
- Using the HTML links on the right side of the archived site will link you back to the present site. To see the old site, use the JAVA menu on the top.
- Click here to visit the 2002 through 2006 version of
Shaolin Temple Perspective from year 2006